Hardware Contracts

Contract for hardware transactions.

  • Find multiple templates and Hardware transactions for IT sector. Create hard to waive contracts which ensure legal protection. Sell, purchase, rent, lease, hire the hardware and machines.



Model Draft Agreement


Hardware Supply Agreement

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List Of Documents Required

  • Detailed Terms & Conditions
  • Details of the Entity (If, Any)
  • Details of the Concerned Parties
  • Supportive Documents (If, any)

Frequent questions, quickly answered.​

Hardware contract are such, which is made between a business providing computer hardware as well as business contracting that needs such hardware including individuals contracting for such equipments and hardwares required for their day to day operations.

A hardware support contract includes a hustle free smooth flow and supply of hardware equipments which is vital for smooth trouble free operations. Hardware can fail which may require trouble shooting, repair and maintenance, and replacement.


A business house spends a lot of cash up front to give their business the data processing tools it needs to run smoothly hence, following are the reasons for hardware contract maintenance:

  1. Long lasting equipments
  2. Expert technicians
  3. Dedicated service schedule
  4. Emergency service
  5. Cost saving

Following mentioned below are the ideas for going into hardware maintenance agreement:-
  1. Definition of the agreement.
  2. General terms.
  3. Software in service after sales.
  4. Delivery, installation and acceptance of hardware.
  5. Visual accuracy.
  6. Price and payment.
  7. Title and risk loss.
  8. Warranties, limitations and liabilities.
  9. Return of hardware product cover by manufacturers warranty.
  10. Customer information.
  11. Force majeure
  12. No export by pay works
  13. Entire agreement analyzed.
  14. Governing laws.
  15. Dispute resolution.
  16. Miscellaneous.