Do it fast. Intimate the past. Take care of regulatory risks and compliances. Corporate compliance means having internal policies and procedures designed to prevent and detect violations of applicable law, rules ,regulations and ethical standards by employees, agents and others. While starting a new business, business registration seems to be the most important part of it. However, once a private limited company is registered as per the provisions of companies Act, 2013 there are a lot of compliances that are required to be done by them on a number of occasions. All such compliances are mandatory in nature. During the life cycle of every registered company there are many legal compliances that are required to be done by them Timing and frequency of such Event Based Compliances In A Company depend upon the nature of the transactions or event.
Rising in the sky.
Reduced Legal Problems
Improved Operations and Safety
Better Public Relations
Higher Employee Retention
A formal intimation to the registrar.
Collection of basic Information & documents
Drafting of necessary resolutions and documents
Preparation of application to update business addres
Application filing
A list of few common documents, as applicable.
Passport size photograph of the director to be appointed
PAN Card
Self-attested PAN card of the director to be appointed
Proof of Residence
Aadhar Card/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License director to be appointed
Digital Signature Certificate
DSC of the continuing director and director to be removed
Digital Signature Certificate
DSC of one of authorised director to be provided
Business Address Proof
Electricity Bill/ Telephone Bill/ Gas Bill of the new address
NOC from owner
No Objection Certificate to be obtained from the owner of registered office
Rent Agreement
Rent Agreement or conveyance deed of the registered office
Not an exhaustive list.
Change of Director
Increase in authorized capital
Appointment of Additional Director
Appointment of Statutory Auditor
Share Allotment
Transfer of shares
MOA Amendment (Object Clause)
Increase in Authorised Capital
Income Tax Return (ITR) Filing