A collective trademark for your business. Geographical Indication (GI) is a collective sign or we can say it is a collective trademark which represent a specific geographic area or community. Every person of that community or association has equal right to use this GI symbol. It is a very power full protection to protect a specialty of a product in specific geographical origin. GI is only tool by which your village or city can be identified on a world map.
Exclusive rights to you.
Having exclusive right to exploit or use the GIs’ products in the course of trade.
The authorized users are allowed to sue infringements
confers legal protection to Geographical Indications in India
Prevents unauthorized use of a Registered Geographical Indication by others
It provides legal protection to Indian Geographical Indications which in turn boost exports, using your invention without your permission
It promotes economic prosperity of producers of goods produced in a geographical territory.
A few steps to cover the geographical area.
Filing of application
Preliminary scrutiny
Show cause notice
Publication in the geographical indications Journal
Opposition to Registration
Submit proof, inspection and you are done.
Application Form (Download)
Power of Authorisation (on 100 rs stamp paper format download)
JPG or PDF image of Logo
MOA between Service provider and applicant
List of association of persons/producers/organization/authority
Geographical area of production and map
Proof of origin [Historical records]
Method of Production
Inspection Body
Legal experts protecting geographical indications.
We offer simplified solutions to register the geographical indications.
Your product may have specific geographical area, but our services are offered in every geographical area.
Pan India presence with own resource and infrastructure
Error free and timely processing.